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In the Library, we read stories aloud, watch audio visual animated stories on the smartboard, develop listening and vocabulary skills, and retell/write/draw about the stories we read. We also learn about various authors and illustrators.
The first and second graders check out books on a 8-day rotation. The K-5 students will be allowed to check out books to keep in their classrooms during the second semester. The library has AR books and the students can take AR tests on the books. Students are not charged overdue library fines; however, their borrowing privileges are suspended until the overdue book is returned. If a book is damaged or lost, a replacement fee will be charged.
Our school library houses over 3,000 AR books and approximately 1,000 more fiction, non-fiction, and reference books.
These are some excellent websites for students to use at home for help reading and other academic areas: