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HMS New Horizons Gifted Education Program
The school library is an important part of the educational program at Houston Middle School. The librarian, Mrs. Stantz, will assist students in the selection and location of books and materials. The library offers students many resources to help with all types of school projects.
Students may use an online catalog to access books and resources quickly and easily in the library collection. The collection includes more than 4,000 titles. Most of the books in the library may be borrowed for a 2 week period. Students are responsible for returning borrowed items on time. To encourage the prompt return of books so others may check them out, a fee of 5 cents per day will be charged for an overdue book. A lost or damaged book should be reported and the current price of the book must be paid by the student. Students with overdue books and/or fines will not be allowed to check out another book until the fees have been paid.
The HMS Library has computers with access to the internet. The students must use the computers for educational purposes only and all general handbook rules apply.